High Potency Retinol (Green Cream)

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When it comes to incorporating a retinol product into your skin care routine, look for a high potency retinol formulation; not all retinol skin care products are created equally.

Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A and an ingredient that forms a core component of any anti-aging regimen. Originally used in the management of acne, Vitamin A derivatives like retinol are backed by clinical science for their anti aging skin care benefits which include:

• Reduction of in wrinkles and fine lines
• Increased collagen production
• Smoother skin texture
• Increased skin thickness
• Improved elasticity
• Improvement in  skin tone and a reduction in hyperpigmentation
• Increased skin hydration

Many skin care products list retinol as an active ingredient. However, the concentration included will often deliver only negligible results. Look for high potency retinol products that list the actual concentration of active ingredient. In this way you know that your skin will receive sufficient retinol to deliver results.

Green Cream is a high potency retinol cream formulated by a dermatologist. It is available in 3 concentrations – Level 3 (0.3%), Level 6 (0.6%) and Level 9 (0.9%), the highest concentration available without a prescription. The staged concentrations allow users to gradually adjust to retinol’s benefits while minimizing the risk of skin irritation.

If you are going to choose a retinol product look for a high potency retinol cream and choose one like Green Cream. Your skin will reap the benefits.

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