Green Cream: This Cream Works!

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If you’re concerned about keeping your skin looking young and healthy, Green Cream (or a product that contains a Vitamin A derivative like Green Cream) should be in your regimen.

Vitamin A derivatives such as retinol (as in Green Cream) and prescription only retinoids (Retin A, Tazorac) bring with them a myriad of skin benefits:

  • Tighter skin
  • Fewer wrinkles and fine lines
  • Brighter, more luminous skin
  • Clearer, smaller looking pores
  • Fewer skin blemishes
  • Even skin tone and fewer discolorations

Retinol, the active ingredient in Green Cream helps to accelerate skin cell renewal which tends to decline as we age. This increase gives rise to new skin cells that help skin look more radiant. Collagen production is boosted as well, leading to thicker and healthier skin. Lastly, retinol helps to shrink oil glands leading to a reduced pore size and fewer breakouts.

Not only should you consider Green Cream for part of your anti aging skin care routine, it can also benefit younger users who suffer from acne and blemishes as well.

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