Is Oxybenzone Safe?

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It’s easy to troll the internet and terrify yourself about lots of stuff including oxybenzone (also known as benzophenone-3 or Eusolex 4360), a sun filter that blocks UVA and UVB rays.

Approved for use in sunscreens in Canada, the US and Europe, in the European Union, sunscreens containing oxybenzone must contain a warning if a sunscreen contains more than a 0.5% concentration of this ingredient. This is because of the potential for oxybenzone to cause allergic skin reactions. No such warning is required in either Canada or the US.

Oxybenzone has been around since the 1970s so it’s been studied extensively. The main issues associated with its use are:

  • Oxybenzone has been identified as a hormone disruptor. A few clinical studies have shown that it has weak estrogenic and anti-androgenic (male hormone) effects. In addition to its potential impact on human health, this effect has implications for its effect on fish and birds. Authorities in Canada, US and Europe do not see this as being a significant or serious issue. 
  • Oxybenzone can generate free radicals which may lead to cell damage. Again, this particular issue is not one regulated by authorities as it isn’t yet on their radar. However, if you understand that free radicals are one of the biggest factors implicated in skin aging, then avoiding oxybenzone may be something you wish to do. 
  • Oxybenzone has been associated with allergic reactions triggered by sun exposure. This side effect is particularly problematic because it means that an ingredient designed to minimize sun damage, may actually leave you with a skin issue that you hadn’t anticipated and most certainly wish to avoid. The delicate skin of children may be particularly prone to this reaction.

The takeaway? Yes, oxybenzone is an effective blocker of  both UVA and UVB rays. However, newer ingredients are just as effective and lack the side effects associated with its use. There really isn’t any reason to select an oxybenzone containing sunscreen at all. Ingredients including Mexoryl SX, Mexoryl XL, Tinosorb S, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are effective and safe. They come with little or no side effects and are included in products that incorporate the newest technology. You can find them in a range of products including Anthelios sunscreens, Ombrelle sunscreens, Keys Solar Rx and Cliniderm SPF 45. Why choose a product with the potential for side effects when other options are available?

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