Cow Collagen Boosts Receding Gums. Really.

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A new study published in Head and Face Medicine demonstrates that receding gums can be healed and rebuilt by the use of bovine collagen implants. In the study, refined and purified collagen extracted from cows was inserted into the damaged gums of 14 patients. Held in place with surgical sutures, the treatment successfully re-grew lost tissue over two weeks to completely cover exposed roots of teeth.

Six months later, their dentist reported that in every case the collagen implant had delivered a positive result. The individuals chosen for the study had gum recessions which previously could only have been treated with tissue grafting surgery. As donor tissue is not always available, bovine collagen implants have been hailed as a possible solution for many individuals with badly receding gums.

Collagen can also be useful in skin care, though not necessarily as you think it may be. Read more about it here.

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