Top Anti-Aging Tips for Every Age

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Anti-aging seems to be the name of the game nowadays, and while the basics of good skin care (cleansing, moisturizing) haven’t altered, our skin’s needs definitely change as we age.  The good news is that advances in skin care treatments and products provide us with an embarrassment of riches when it comes to picking and choosing what we use to achieve healthy, glowing skin.

Each decade comes with its own skin care challenges, but with a goal in mind and armed with these top tips for every age, great skin is closer than you think.

  • In Your 20’s: PREVENTION is the goal.  Start your anti-aging routine now! If you haven’t already been doing so, use a broad spectrum sunscreen every day, without fail, regardless of weather or season.   This decade is all about being proactive and protecting your supple and smooth skin.  Anthelios sunscreen with Mexoryl XL  is our top tip, to block those aging UVA rays.
  • In Your 30’s: FEEDING THE SKIN is your aim. Add a serum with antioxidants like Apothekari’s Undercover Agent.  This multi-tasking serum contains the synergistic combination of vitamin C, vitamin E and ferulic acid, providing unbeatable protection from oxidative and environmental stresses on the skin and preventing damage by neutralizing free radicals. Bonus tip: vitamin C also stimulates collagen production, something that starts to slow down as we get older.
  • In Your 40’s: This is when CELL TURNOVER becomes our top goal.  Add a retinoid like Apothekari A is for Anti-Aging Retinal Serum to boost collagen and elastin production and to keep skin looking plump and firm.  Using a retinoid 5 nights a week in conjunction with an AHA 2 nights a week will help remove dead skin cells that not only make the skin look dull but may also prevent other active ingredients from penetrating.
  • In Your 50’s: HYDRATION is the key to healthy skin. Fight dryness by switching to a more hydrating moisturizer.  Look for ingredients like shea butter and hyaluronic acid, a solid and consistent performer when it comes to fighting dehydration.  Plumper, more hydrated skin gives a more healthy appearance and wrinkles are less noticeable.  Our new favorite is Neostrata’s Moisture Infusion Hydrating Cream.

Regardless of your age, extend that special care to those often neglected areas: the neck and décolletage.  And remember that it’s never too late to start taking care of your skin.  As the body’s largest organ, it deserves just a little TLC, don’t you think?

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Jackie

    Great advice; I would also suggest retinoid products such as Retina A in order to combat the signs of aging such as wrinkles etc.

  2. Hannah Do

    Hello Sharmani,

    It was a great joy reading this. I would also recommend to use a good Vitamin C serum on a daily basis. Something like Serumtologie. It is a great product with ingredients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Ferulic Acid and hyaluronic acid.

    For sensitive skin, it would be best to start out with a Vitamin C lotion. The combination of a lower concentration of the vitamin and the moisturizers in the lotion will be gentler to your skin.

  3. Grishma Giri

    Hello Sharmani,

    Do you also think that Vitamin C lotion or moisturizers can help to get rid of linea nigra, the dark line in the belly during pregnancy?

    1. Sharmani

      Hello Grishma,
      The linea nigra that appears on the belly during pregnancy should fade within a few months of giving birth. Although vitamin C can help brighten skin tone, the linea nigra should fade on its own. We would not, however, suggest using any skin lightening or hydroquinone-based products during pregnancy or while breast feeding.
      Best, Sharmani


    Hello Grishma,
    you should use vitamin c

  5. Janite

    Great tips.. I’m scared now as I am over 45.. I need this stuff.. Cheers

  6. Mary


    In my opinion you can use anti aging foundations for your skin for best make up options.

    Also on previous posts using vitamin c serums can be beneficial.

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