The Most Wrinkled US States

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wrinkled ladyIs the state you live in contributing to the number of wrinkles you have? According to a study commissioned by a major skincare company, the answer is: yes. In the second annual “Wrinkle Rating”, the top five states most prone to skin damage and premature aging were New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Colorado, and Massachusetts.

Although environmental factors such as UV exposure, geographical elevation and pollution are a given when it comes to things that can age our skin, the study also took into account criteria such as lifestyle and occupational stressors. Diet, fitness and smoking can all contribute to how quickly we age. States where diets lacked fresh vegetables and fruit but included processed foods scored higher on the wrinkle index, as did states with high rates of smoking.

Occupational factors were also taken into consideration when it came to negative effects on the skin. Lengthy commute times, job stress, work cultures that involve long hours and even levels of unemployment (which causes high amounts of stress, depression and anxiety) all contributed to the state’s ranking. Stress can play a significant role in our general appearance and health of the skin. Dermatologists have known for years that the level of stress experienced by a person can lead to a host of skin conditions such as episodic rashes, acne flare ups, or atopic eczema. Stress can have longer-lasting impacts, as well. Over time, perpetual stress can cause your skin to age prematurely.

Whether or not you live in one of the most wrinkled states, there are steps that you can take to minimize the impact of these external aging factors:

  • Use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection sunscreen such as Anthelios every day when you can’t avoid the sun.
  • Incorporate antioxidants such Apothekari Undercover Agent with vitamins C, E and ferulic acid to help boost collagen production and fight against free radical damage caused by environmental pollution.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating your way to great skin. Choose lean meats, leafy greens and healthy fats that promote healthy functioning of the heart, brain and digestive system.
  • Exercise regularly. A recent study at McMaster University involving volunteers over the age of 65 found that after three months of exercising twice a week for 30 minutes, subjects’ skin more closely resembled that of 20-to 40-year olds.
  • Manage stress by getting enough sleep (aim for 8 hours), eating regularly to give yourself energy to cope with stressful situations, and putting yourself first once in a while.

Ready to take the extreme route and move to the state least likely to give you wrinkles? Get your parka ready and think Alaska.


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