Avocado for the Skin

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Can we agree that the avocado has been the ‘it’ food for 2017?  Perhaps that’s an overstatement, but what’s undeniable is the increasing popularity of this delicious and healthy fruit, to the point where prices have skyrocketed over the past 6 months.  Domestic demand for avocados is now competing with higher demand in Asian and European countries where the highly Instagrammable avocado toast is a must on the menu at stylish restaurants.  Who can blame them?

Avocados are rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of vitamins C and E.  Although high in fat, avocados contain “good” fats, namely mono- and polyunsaturated fats.  They also contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals that the body uses for cell health, bone strength, tissue development and energy.

As part of a diet that focuses more on plant-based foods while eschewing as much of the processed stuff as possible, the wholesomeness of avocados is also good for the skin.  For example, increasing our intake of the good fats and omega-3 in avocados can help to keep the top layer of the skin strong and intact.  A strong skin barrier can increase our skin’s resilience and strengthen its ability to keep irritants out.

If you’re serious about skin care, you’ll know that the antioxidants, vitamins C and E are the basis of many effective anti-aging treatments.  Happily, the humble avocado just happens to contain that very combination.  Antioxidants fight the free radicals that can lead to tissue damage, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation.  Vitamin E not only works as an antioxidant but also acts as a moisturizer to rejuvenate dehydrated skin.  Vitamin C, our favorite workhorse of the skin care world, is a potent antioxidant that encourages collagen production, restores elasticity and brightens overall skin tone.

Taking care of the skin from both the inside and from the outside will help us achieve our skin care goals that much faster, so it just makes sense to add avocados to our topical arsenal.  For all you DIY-ers, mashing half a ripe avocado and mixing it with 1 teaspoon of honey makes for a hydrating (and delicious!) mask.  You can also splurge by mashing avocado with coconut oil for a spa-like body mask.  If DIY is not your style, avocado facial oil is an easy way to jump on the bandwagon.  With high concentrations of oleic acid, avocado oil acts as an emollient and is an exceptional occlusive that can help lock in moisture and prevent trans-epidermal water loss.  Just keep in mind that with concentrated facial oils, a little goes a long way.

We wish it were the same with avocado toast.