Sebaceous Hyperplasia

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Sebaceous hyperplasia is the abnormal enlargement of the sebaceous (oil) gland that results in benign bumps resembling a yellow or white crater with a depressed centre.  These raised bumps are most commonly found on the forehead, nose and cheeks due to the abundance of oil glands in these areas. Although it is not known why sebaceous hyperplasia develops, it seems to occur more often in those with oily skin and larger pores and who have struggled with acne in the past.  With no known cure for these stubborn bumps, treatment usually involves the help of a dermatologist and then on-going application of topical products to keep them under control.

To remove or reduce the size of the bump, your dermatologist may use one of several procedures, including:

1. Laser removal

2. Electrocautery, using a finely tipped electrical needle, similar to the procedure used to remove warts and moles

3. Facial peels

4. Surgical removal, but only after exhausting all other options


It should be noted that the sebaceous hyperplasia growth, or the symptom, is being removed.  As the oil gland itself remains, the bump will very likely reappear without consistent and diligent maintenance.

In addition to the basic skin care routine of gentle cleansing, moisturizing and daily application of a stable, broad spectrum sunscreen, at-home treatment may also include:

  • Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) in the form of a salicylic acid preparation.  This will penetrate the oil, increase exfoliation of dead skin cells and help keep the pores unclogged.
  • A retinoid, like Green Cream or Apothekari’s A is for Anti-Aging.  Like BHA’s, retinol speeds up the skin cell renewal process and helps remove skin from the surface more quickly. Retinol is also a cell communicator, essentially telling skin cells to function as they should and helping the sebaceous glands with maintaining normal oil production.

 Sebaceous hyperplasia can be a stubborn and frustrating condition, but smooth, blemish-free skin is possible!

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