What Makes a Wrinkle?

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At its most simple, a wrinkle is merely a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. An inevitable and unavoidable sign of aging, wrinkles form as the body’s ability to produce moisture, collagen and elastin decrease over time. Our once-plump and taut skin becomes thinner and starts to sag, leading to wrinkles. Although seen by some cultures as wisdom and experience, those of us in most parts of the world, do not welcome those appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead.

Apart from the passage of time, there are other factors that can influence the formation of wrinkles. Some are intrinsic and out of our control, such as genetics. Other factors are extrinsic and have more to do with our surrounding environment and lifestyle. Smoking, sun damage and pollution can all accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. Even muscle movement and repeated facial expressions like smiling can increase the numbers and severity of wrinkles.

We’ve always maintained that dry skin in itself does not create wrinkles but it does make them more noticeable, just as oily skin appears less wrinkled. However, a recent Japanese study published in Clinical Anatomy puts that perspective into question. Using a sample of 58 male and female skin specimens, researchers found that there was a direct correlation between oil gland density and wrinkle depth. Wrinkles were found to be less deep in specimens with a higher density of oil glands, which, in their opinion, explained why wrinkles were less deep on the forehead versus the outer eye area.

Although science may say that there are some things out of our control when it comes to wrinkles, there are still plenty of steps we can take to minimize those lines:

  1. A daily sunscreen with stable, broad-spectrum sun filters that will protect against both UVB and UVB rays. Anthelios XL SPF 60 Comfort Cream is a customer favorite.
  2. An antioxidant like Apothekari Undercover Agent Serum to boost the power of your sunscreen and fight free radicals that contribute to the formation of wrinkles.
  3. A retinoid to boost collagen production, increase cell turnover and improve the overall look your skin. Apothekari A is for Anti-Aging is a gentle and excellent option to prescription treatments.

Wrinkles may be inevitable but I’m ready to fight the good fight.

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