What Makes You Buy Skin Care Products?

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As someone who runs a skin care brand, I’m always curious to know what makes customers buy skin care products. There’s no shortage of choice and many outlets – drugstores, department stores, independent boutiques and the internet – to fulfill every possible need. One could peruse for hours, days, weeks, months. Certainly there must be a lot of confusion. What makes one go from looking to committing and finally to pulling the plug to buy skin care products?

In a previous post, I wrote about the 4 Steps to Great Skin  and I think that most skin care experts would agree to this, with some minor differences. Several skin care products are considered as essential – a good sunscreen and an effective cleanser, for example. And, if you are after skin that looks and feels youthful and that radiates wellness, it’s wise to add in a retinoid and some antioxidants too. Then it’s time to deal with the specifics. If your skin is dry, you’ll need to hydrate with a good moisturizer. Acne? Treat that. Same with hyperpigmentation, skin sensitivity, eye concerns and aging or sun-damaged skin.

Once you know what kinds of products you need – a moisturizer, a sunscreen, an eye cream – how do you decide how and where to buy skin care products? Which ones specifically? Which brands? Formulated with which ingredients? What gives you the confidence to try a new skin care product especially if you are mostly happy with your current skin care routine? Who do you trust?

These are some of the things that customers have mentioned to me:

  1. My dermatologist/esthetician/doctor recommends it.
  2. My friends love it and suggested I try it.
  3. I’ve heard about it on social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  4. I like to try before I buy so samples will help to seal the deal
  5. I’ve seen an advertisement online, in a magazine, etc.
  6. Testimonials. One of the things that helps us find new customers and keeps regular ones coming back are through word of mouth or from the results they’ve had from using Apothekari. From helping to manage acne breakouts to delivering glowing skin, many individuals report receiving compliments on their skin, which they’ve never received before.

I LOVE these products. My skin glows. ~India, Vancouver, BC

My breakouts have disappeared… ~Sara, Vancouver

Thank you for treating my skin so well, Apothekari! ~Karen, Vancouver, BC

Happy customers make us happy too! Do testimonials help you to buy skin care products? Read more testimonials here.

If you’re curious about Apothekari Dermaceuticals and have questions, don’t hesitate to call us – 1.866.876.3649 or email us info@apothekari.com. We love to talk skin care and would be happy to discuss your needs!

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