Copper Infused Bedding: Will It Smoothe Your Wrinkles?

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You’ve probably already heard about copper peptides being marketed as beneficial to skin in skin care products. But get ready – copper infused bedding – along with claims to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, kill dust mites and bacteria and even benefit psoriasis and eczema sufferers – is coming your way.

Other bedding such as seaweed mattress ticking that claims to rejuvenate skin and aloe vera pillowcases and blankets that vow to soothe and moisturize skin are also available. But can these products really work?

According to an article in the New York Times, some dermatologists are questioning the claims made by these manufacturers because clinical studies are lacking. Whether it’s aloe vera, seaweed or copper, the latest products owe their existence to nanotechnology that allows the component ingredients to be broken down into ultrafine particles that can then be imbedded into the fabric. There are proponents both for and against the efficacy of these products.

Read the full article here.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. This sure sounds promising, i’ve mended my wrinkles with basic treatment methods such as eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Altough if this seems like a scam, if it’s proved to work, I would be happy to try it out.

  2. Ease your wrinkles with copper bedding? hmmmm sounds far fetched to me. Getting a good 8 hours rest and laughing alot (scientifically proven) will do much more for keeping a person youthful!

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