Canadian Preparation H

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The Canadian version of Preparation H Cream contains Bio-dyne (also known as Live Yeast Cell Derivative). Marketed as a treatment for hemorrhoids, Preparation H Cream from Canada is also as a ‘secret weapon’ to fight wrinkles and relieve under-eye puffiness.

Canadian Preparation H Cream differs from that found in the USA (and some other countries) primarily due to its Bio-dyne content. In the USA, Preparation H now contains phenylephrine HCl 0.25% instead of Biodyne. Phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor that works by constricting capillaries (small blood vessels). This action is thought to help temporarily reduce dark circles and puffy eyes. However, many individuals report irritation and burning when using Preparation H that contains phenylephrine.

The Biodyne ‘secret’
Biodyne’s active ingredient has been identified as a protein fraction containing several peptides that aid in wound healing. Peptides are also useful in skin care for their ability to boost collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

A clinical study showed that the topical application of Biodyne accelerated wound healing in diabetic mice (100% wound closure with Biodyne vs 31.4% without Biodyne – a significant difference).

Canadian Preparation H is purported to be used as an anti-aging skin care product by many middle-aged celebrities and supermodels for its ability to provide an instant lift for troublesome eye bags and fight against wrinkles long term.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Maura Gallagher

    Hi Phamix, I would like to order the Canadian Version of Preparation H Cream with Bio- dyne by a box of 12 please.
    I run an Aesthetics Clinic in Cork City, Ireland, (I’ve previously tried regular Preparation H without your Magic Ingredient, which had no effect. I would love to try this Canadian Version myself please. I would have a huge market for it. Kindest regards Maura Gallagher.

    1. Joanne W.

      Hi Maura,

      Thanks for getting in touch.

      We have not carried Preparation H Cream for several years now. We also only ship to North America.

      Sorry we are not able to fulfill your request.

      Kind regards,

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