Oh The Saggy Elbows!

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Saggy elbow skin is one skin change that can accompany aging. Like skin that may sag on other parts of the body, saggy elbows are a result of the breakdown of collagen fibers and other skin supporting elements.

The frequent motion associated with joints, like the elbow, contributes to the breakdown. Weight loss may also be responsible. Middle aged women, in particular may find saggy elbows problematic.

Remedy the situation by starting with exercise. Improving muscle tone in your upper arms, particularly the tricep area, can help with the skin’s overall appearance. If exercise doesn’t deliver satisfactory results and you’re still troubled by the appearance of your elbows, you may want to consult with a plastic surgeon. An arm lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tissue and can tighten up saggy elbows.  

Whatever you do, don’t fall for topical treatments that promise miracles. There is absolutely no proof that any ingredient or formulation can help.

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