Esculin: Dark Circle Treatment

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Esculin is an ingredient derived from the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum ) and flowering ash (Fraxinus ornus) trees. It is used in skin care products for its anti-inflammatory and capillary (small blood vessel) strengthening capabilities. Esculin possesses vitamin P activity (P for permeability), which helps to confer a veinotonic and vasculoprotective action to skin care products. It also has antioxidant activity, which can help to fend off free radical damage.

Fresh esculin is a toxic substance that may cause seizures, vomiting, paralysis and death. However, the manufacturing process renders it safe for topical use, where small concentrations may be included to reduce swelling and inflammation associated with varicose veins. In addition to fighting free radical damage, esculin’s antioxidant actions helps to combat against the degradation of haemoglobin into colored compounds, which contribute to the cause of under eye dark circles.

Find esculin in Reversa Eye Care For Puffiness and Dark Circles.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Youngsup Park

    To whom it may concern

    I would like to know that :
    For Dark circle treamtnet,at what concentration range, Esculin shold be used? A concentration of 1% is good enough to improve the eye dark circles?
    Any permissible concentration ? And effective concentration?


    1. Sharmani

      For Youngsup Park:
      Skin care treatments often do not specify exact concentrations of active ingredients. Sometimes the only indication we are given is how high up on the ingredient list the specific ingredient appears. If you are purchasing from a reputable manufacturer that is well-known for its scientific credentials, you should expect them to use a concentration of active ingredients proven to deliver results.
      Best, Sharmani

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