What Is Allantoin?

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A close look at the label on your moisturizer or sunscreen, and you might see ‘allantoin’ listed.  Allantoin is a chemical compound naturally produced by many organisms, including animals, plants, and bacteria. Frequently used in lotions and skin creams, it is used to treat acne, impetigo, eczema, and psoriasis. It is effective at very low concentrations, usually from 0.1% to 2%. 

Odorless, safe, non-toxic, and non-allergenic, allantoin is moisturizing and keratolytic, meaning that it softens keratin in the skin. This property helps skin to heal more quickly and to bind moisture more effectively, making products containing allantoin useful for dry skin and for healing wounds, burns, and scars. It is also effective against sunburn, chapped lips, cold sores, diaper rash, and similar skin irritations.

Watch for allantoin on the label of your favorite skin care products.

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