3 Signs of Sleep Deprived Skin

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We all know that good sleep equals good health. Yet getting a good night’s sleep in today’s fast paced world, may not be that easy to achieve. Beyond the effects of sleep deprivation on your general health, it can also show in your face.

Here are 3 signs of sleep deprived skin:

  1. Dark Shadows and Puffiness. A few nights of missed sleep often results in puffy eyes. Sleeplessness that goes on for longer can lead to dark circles under the eyes as well.
  2. Sallow, Lackluster, Dehydrated skin. This is a sign of poor circulation, which means less nutrients are getting to cells. The barrier function is also affected and subsequently TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss) is greater in poor sleepers. This leads to skin dryness leaving skin looking dull and lifeless.
  3. Skin infections, Cold sores, Inflammation. Sleep deprivation results in elevated levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Elevated levels of cortisol can lead to increased stress and inflammation in the body, which may manifest as an increase in acne breakouts, increased skin sensitivity, increased allergic contact dermatitis reactions and increased irritant dermatitis. An increase in inflammation increases the breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid, components of skin that give it glow and resilience. The body’s immune system is diminished and could lead to immune-related skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

Beautiful skin is dependent on a number of factors including good quality sleep. A number of skin positive processes take place during sleep:

  • The body’s hydration rebalances helping skin to recover moisture and remove excess water in the body.
  •  Growth hormone levels increase during deep sleep allowing damaged cells to repair

There’s no doubt that good sleep habits contribute to good looking skin. They don’t call it beauty sleep for nothing!

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