Near Infrared Radiation: On Your Radar?

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Until recently, near-infrared light (from 700–4000 nm on the spectrum) was considered more or less harmless to the body. Now scientists aren’t so sure.

A new study published in the Journal of Pharmacological and Biophysical Research suggests that near infrared light (IRA) reaches more deeply into the skin than UV rays, causing damage to connective tissue and releasing free radicals.

This means more rapidly aging skin as well as increased risk of some types of skin cancer.

What can you do?

The study concludes, “An effective, feasible approach is the topical application of mitochondrially targeted antioxidants.” Antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C or E prevent free radical damage to cells by mopping up the molecules that damage collagen and elastin fibers in the body. Using a serum which contains stable forms of Vitamin C, E or A will boost the practical power of your sunscreen, reducing damage generated by IRA. We stock a wide range of antioxidant serums and creams including our popular line of apothekari serums and gels.

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