Senokot, Effective Herbal Laxative

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For those times when constipation is a concern, natural source Senokot Laxatives have been trusted by healthcare professionals for over 50 years to provide comfortable overnight relief of occasional constipation.

Senokot Has Senna

Senokot and Senokot-S contain natural source senna sourced from the senna plant, Alexandria senna (Cassia acutifolia Delile). The active ingredient has been identified as sennosides (senna glycosides). Traditionally, senna has been used in herbal medicine for the short-term relief of occasional constipation.

When you take Senokot or Senokot-S, senna glycosides are transported to the bowel, where they are transformed by enzymes produced by colon bacteria. Without this transformation by colon bacteria, senna would remain inactive. The action of the senna stays within the large intestine where it stimulates a series of wave-like contractions called peristalsis, that results in a bowel movement, usually within 6-12 hours following ingestion.

Senokot S contains senna glyclosides as well as docusate sodium, an ingredient that softens stools, allowing them to be passed more easily. Senekot S is formulated specifically for post partum use and for those with heart conditions, anal fissures or hemorrhoids.

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