Combantrin With Pyrantel Pamoate Treats Worms

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Combantrin (Pyrantel pamoate) is an effective treatment for intestinal worms including threadworms, roundworms and hookworms. It works as a “neuro-muscular blocking agent” to effectively paralyse worms, which are then passed out in the feces. Combantrin provides effective treatment in a single dose.

Intestinal worms are highly contagious so if an infestation is discovered it is important to ensure that the whole family (including adults) is treated with Combantrin. Give your home a thorough cleaning – wash floors, vacuum carpets, wash clothes and bedding with hot water. Don’t forget stuffed animals. In addition, hands must be washed thoroughly, especially after using the toilet. Fingernails should be kept short and clean. Sharing food and placing objects in the mouth should be discouraged.

Combantrin effectively treats adult worms, but not eggs or immature worms. For this reason, check 2 to 4 weeks after the initial dose to ensure that the infestation is gone. If not, a second dose may be required.

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