Wild Crafted Vs. Certified Organic

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The debate is long standing: Which is better – “Wild Crafted” or “Certified Organic”? While you’d inherently feel that it must be organic, you may be surprised to learn it isn’t necessarily so.

Before there was “Certified Organic”, herbs and plants that were gathered free of herbicides, pesticides, detergents and other harmful chemicals were referred to as “Wild Crafted”. Wild Crafted botanicals are not farmed or sprayed with any kind of pesticide. They are wild, native and organic by their own nature and retain the positive attributes of plants grown in their normal habitat. Certified Organic herbs and plants are usually grown under ideal conditions on a farm and produced according to standards which translate into no harmful pesticides, fertilizers or GMO plants (genetically modified organisms) to enhance their growth. Yes they are healthy, but because they are grown under the best conditions and not necessarily in their natural habitat, they may not retain all the attributes of their wild crafted counterpart.

Both Wild Crafted and Certified Organic products are free of harmful chemical additives and are much better and safer than their commercial grade counterparts. However, one isn’t necessarily better than the other.

Our Apothekari 100% Pure Argan Oil comes from Wild Crafted Argan Trees in Morocco and it retains all the attributes that makes argan oil so special.

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