The organic skin care market is growing exponentially and many of the standards are set by companies like Dr Hauschka Skin Care, which has been around for many years. Just because a skin care company claims to be organic, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s any better than skin care products manufactured by other companies. In an earlier post, I discussed my struggle with organic skin care and why it’s not necessarily the best option always.
If you have decided to go the organic route with your skin care, then you may want to stick with a company like Dr Hauschka Skin Care. This skin care line is based on the healing and therapeutic properties found in plants and there is a commitment to using the healthiest, most vital plants they can. Beyond organic skin care, Dr Hauschka Skin Care is based on Biodynamics. A holistic, sustainable form of agriculture that dates back to the 1920’s, Biodynamics takes into account everything from the cycles of the moon and stars to the soil, plants, animals and people, with the ultimate goal of making each garden or farm a healthy self-sustaining ecosystem.
In fact, Dr Hauschka Skin Care doesn’t claim to be organic; rather it calls itself a natural skin care company. Each and every ingredient that goes into preparations has been selected for a specific task and consideration is given as to how this ingredient will interact with others in the formulation. The source of each ingredient is just as important. The company supports sustainable, ecologically sound agricultural practices by obtaining as many of their ingredients as possible from certified Biodynamic and organic sources. Packaging is eco-conscious packaging and natural botanical preservatives are used to help keep products fresh without the use of chemical additives.
Dr Hauschka Skin Care products are Certified Natural by the BDIH, a federal association of German manufacturers of drugs, supplements, cosmetics and personal care products whose “Guidelines for Natural” are the most selective in the world. Dr Hauschka’s line of holistic skin care is 100% Certified Natural by the BDIH. Certainly not organic (but since there really isn’t a reputable certification for 100% organic skin care), you at least know what you’re getting.