
If you’re someone with darker skin, you quickly become knowledgeable about hair removal procedures like threading.  For along with darker skin, comes darker (and more noticeable) hair in unwanted places – trust me; I know!

Practiced in many countries including India, China and Iran, threading  is an ancient method of hair removal, which is gaining popularity in Western countries. Threading involves the use of a twisted cotton thread which is rolled over unwanted hair in hairlines, moustaches, eyebrows, etc. Hair is plucked at the follicle level and unlike tweezing, the procedure can remove an entire row of hair at a time. While most individuals tolerate threading well, it can painful for some.

Threading is inexpensive and fast and results can last from two to four weeks. Its main drawbacks are that it can be painful and may cause itching afterwards. Less frequent side effects include folliculitis, a bacterial infection of the hair follicles and changes in skin pigment. Try to work with a qualified professional where possible.

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