Can You Juice Your Way To Better Skin?

There are many diets, fads and foods promoted to help deliver clear and radiant skin – juicing is just one of them. If you’re a fan of late night TV, then you can’t have missed the infomercials for Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer. A lecturer, motivational speaker and fitness guru, Lalanne is energetic and youthful in his 90s. He promotes juicing for health; taken one step further it should therefore, help to deliver great skin.

Juicing For Health

Juicing is advocated as a way of incorporating essential vitamins and minerals into your diet. Because home-made juices tend to be consumed within hours of preparation, you can be assured of freshness and preservatives aren’t needed. Proponents of juicing point out that you can consume all the goodness of cups of fruits and vegetables in just one small glass of juice. Sounds ideal in a world where most of us don’t consume enough fruits and vegetables. The downsides? Drinking juiced produce has you missing out on the benefits of fibre found in whole fruits and vegetables. And, juices (especially those from fruits) can be high in sugar and calories.

Can Juice Improve Skin?

Although you’ll find many individuals promoting the benefits of juicing for great skin, I’m not aware of any studies that demonstrate this. However, it can’t be denied that beautiful skin does rely upon good nutrition. The antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables are essential to both a healthy body and good skin. Regardless of whether you consume them juiced or whole, ensure that you consume enough. A diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and essential fatty acids are key to optimal wellness.

Of course, you can always follow Jack’s lead and get the Power Juicer. Perhaps you’ll be the one laughing well into your 90s.

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