What is Senna alata?

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Senna alata (also known as Candle Bush or Cassia alata) is an important medicinal tree as well as an ornamental flowering plant.
Native to Mexico, Senna alata can be found in diverse habitats including the tropics. In certain parts of the world, it can become an invasive species. The shrub stands 3 to 4 meters tall and has leaves which are 50 to 80 cm long. Flowers grow in clusters appearing like a yellow candle (hence the name Candle Bush).

Senna alata is often called the Ringworm Bush because of it has very effective fungicidal properties, making it useful in the treatment of ringworm and other fungal infections of the skin. Additionally, the plant leaves are rich in antioxidants. Investigations have shown that a Senna alata extract can help to fight free radical damage associated with exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Senna alata can be found in a range of Anthelios sunscreens, where it works synergistically to deliver skin protection. Find it in:

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