8 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep

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With the start of the new year, you may have been tempted to make New Year’s resolutions.   But, let’s face it, we’re halfway through January and most of us have dropped the ball already.  Instead of setting ourselves up for failure, choose simple, practical behavior modification resolutions that you might actually keep. It’s not only the thought that counts: the possibility of success is important too.

Here are 8 New Year’s resolutions you may actually keep:

  1. Treat Yourself: Whether it’s a new book, fancy chocolates, or some quiet meditation or yoga, treat yourself to the small luxuries in life.  You cannot fail at this resolution.  I stress – CANNOT!
  2. Slow Down: We are all moving too quickly through life.  Make an effort to be more present this year; don’t just go through the motions.  It might take some practice, but there is no failing at this one either.
  3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: We are all bombarded with messages of how we just don’t measure up to celebrities or amazing bloggers. Remember, it’s all manufactured and no one is perfect. Stop judging yourself.
  4. Accept Yourself As You Are: Continuing in the same vein, learn to be okay with yourself. You are pretty awesome, and it’s important to truly believe that you are! We’re not talking being an egomaniac here, but about recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities that make you “you.”
  5. Judge Less: By the same token, try to stop judging others. Give others a break, too. It’s easy to forget we’re all human and all struggling with our own challenges, even if it doesn’t appear that way on the surface.
  6. Listen More, Talk Less: Social media, “selfies”, and reality TV seem to be about a lot of people talking about themselves–and all talking past each other. Take a chill pill, stop talking so much, and listen to others more. Not only will it help you connect with others, but it might help you be more introspective as well.
  7. Say Yes More Often: For some, the knee-jerk reaction is to say no. “No” to plans, “no” to trying something new, “no” to looking for that new job. Open up your possibilities and get outside your comfort zone by learning to say “yes” more often.
  8. Be Beautiful in 2017: Over at Apothekari, we’ll be profiling a special face each month. A real woman, not a celebrity, who uses Apothekari skin care products.  Let’s celebrate genuine beauty, both inside and out.

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