Refresh Endura for Dry Eyes

  • Post last modified:November 29, 2017
  • Post category:Eye Care
You are currently viewing Refresh Endura for Dry Eyes

You may have heard about Refresh Endura, lubricating eye drops which are used in managing the symptoms of dry eyes. If you suffer with dry eyes, you’ll know how frustrating the condition may be. Often accompanied by a stinging sensation , you can experience slightly blurred vision.

The reasons behind dry eyes can be varied: medications, fatigue, aging, hormonal changes, even extended periods of time in front of a computer screen. Dry eyes occur when tear production is not adequate to provide proper lubrication for the eyes. Symptoms range from the aforementioned stinging and blurred vision to sensitivity to light, discomfort when wearing contact lenses, a scratchy sensation, stringy mucous and redness, to name a few. And just as dry, unhealthy skin can leave you open to external irritants and bacteria, dry eyes can lead to an increased risk of eye infection.

Luckily, many of those symptoms are preventable and treatable with a few simple steps:

  • Avoid Air Blowing Directly on Eyes. Air conditioners and fans can further exacerbate dry eyes unnecessarily.
  • Use a Humidifier. This adds moisture to the air, especially in the winter when central heating is on.
  • Wear Sunglasses. Protect your peepers from bright light, UV damage and wind (and we know how damaging the sun can be to the eyes!)
  • Give your Eyes a Break. Did you know you blink less when looking at a computer monitor, thus producing fewer tears? When doing activities that require visual focus such as reading or extended screen time, set a timer to remind yourself to give your eyes a respite.
  • Use Lubricating Eye Drops. For temporary relief, eye drops like Refresh Endura can be invaluable. Our customers, who are a wealth of information, have let us know that they give high marks to Refresh Endura due to the preservative-free formula and air-free single-use containers.

If there is pain or irritation that goes on for several days or signs and symptoms that do not abate for a prolonged period of time, make sure to see your eye doctor to eliminate any other causes for the dry eyes and for proper treatment of any underlying health condition.