Skin Care: How You Apply Influences Results

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When it comes to skin care, there’s something to be said for individual variability which is why different people experience different results with the same skin care product. But did you know that how you apply your skin care products could influence the results you achieve?

Most skin care products are a mixture of active ingredients – the ones that will produce a result and inactive ingredients – the ones that help to stabilize it, preserve it or make it into a cream, lotion or serum. In order for a skin care product to work, it must contain enough of the active ingredient(s) to deliver results and it must be absorbed by the skin. Since our skin changes over time, with the seasons and due to external factors such as temperature and humidity its ability to absorb active ingredients may vary. As well, the absorption and activity of any product is also influenced by how much you use, when you apply it and whether you use it with other products or not.

Here are some tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of your skin care products:

  1. Cleanse your face first. Getting rid of make-up removes substances that may interfere with the absorption of active ingredients. Some products work better on moist skin (moisturizers that help to seal in moisture), while others work better on dry skin (alpha hydroxy acids, for example, whose effects may be diluted by water).
  2. Ingredients are absorbed better on warm skin vs cold skin. Try splashing some warm (never hot) water on skin prior to application.
  3. Exfoliate regularly to help remove the dead, dry skin cells that sit on top of skin. This helps active ingredients penetrate more effectively. Consider chemical exfoliants as found in products such as M2 HP Refinish Serum or manual exfoliants that provide gentle scrubbing action. View our full selection of exfoliants here.
  4. Apply with short firm, strokes to help spread the product and assist its absorption. Never pull, rub or be harsh as this can damage skin.
  5. Do not wipe your face after applying your product as this will just remove it.

How much to apply? A pea sized amount for the face should be more than enough. Apply too much and it will just sit on top of skin; you can only absorb so much. An exception to this is for sunscreen – you never can apply too much.

Keep in mind that some skin care products will not deliver results no matter how you apply them – they may not contain enough of the active ingredient, have lost their potency or be ineffective for whatever reason. And, some skin care products will deliver results for your best friend, but not for you no matter how it’s been applied. However, if you have purchased a well formulated product and it’s not delivering the results expected, you may want to revisit your application technique.

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