Be Kind To Your Skin: 5 Ways

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As the body’s largest organ, your skin reflects your lifestyle. What you eat, how much sleep you get and the activities you engage in, all play a role in your skin’s appearance. Here are 5 ways to nurture great skin:

  1. Stop smoking. In addition to its negative impact on your heart and lungs, smoking leads to premature aging, including that of your skin. Thousands of toxins have been identified in cigarette smoking – these are taken up by your bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. For skin, smoking releases free radicals, which can age skin faster. It also contributes to thin skin and reduced collagen.
  2. Manage stress. Today’s lifestyle means we have to fit more into the same time. Stress is so prevalent in our lives that the World Health Organization (WHO) calls stress America’s No. 1 health problem. And, the the American Medical Association reports that it is a factor in more than 75% of illnesses today. Stress manifests in the skin as wrinkles, inflammation, breakouts and tired eyes.
  3. Protect against ultraviolet rays (UV rays). In addition to avoiding tanning beds, practice safe sun habits. Always wear a broad spectrum UVA/UVB blocking sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 when outdoors. The sun contributes to more than 80% of skin aging, leading to wrinkles, age spots, rough, uneven skin and even sagging skin. Anthelios sunscreens are an effective brand to consider.
  4. Eat well. Avoid processed foods, which contain unnecessary sugar, saturated fat and are often devoid of nutrients. Strive for a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and lean protein. These foods provide the building blocks essential to good health and great skin.
  5. Be gentle. As much as we need to keep skin clean from make-up and everyday pollution, avoid harsh cleansers and treatments. Look for gentle cleansers and stay away from overly abrasive scrubs and exfoliating treatments. Used in moderation these benefit skin, but overdone, they can cause harm.

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