Thinning Lips? 5 Top Tips

Your genes, unprotected exposure to ultraviolet rays and even pollution all affect the way skin ages, including the bane of many women – thinning lips.
Like the rest of your body, your lips also age. Breakdown of collagen (the skin’s supporting network) along with repetitive facial motions may result in vertical lines or thinning lips. If you smoke, the lines may be even more pronounced. Free radicals (unstable molecules) which are generated by smoke, can accelerate the deterioration of collagen. And, the repetitive nature of smoking contributes to even more vertical lines.
While you can’t prevent vertical lines from appearing, you can certainly help slow down their development. Same for thinning lips. Here are 7 tips to help with vertical lines and thinning lips:

  1. Apply an SPF lip balm daily year round. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays contribute to collagen breakdown. Try and hold it back as much as possible. View our full selection of SPF lip balms here.
  2. Keep the lips and surrounding area well moisturized to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Exfoliating lip balms will help to remove dry dead skin cells from the lip’s surface.
  3. Fill the area around the lips with a lipstick primer helps keep lipstick in place longer. Stick to a neutral, lip-colored liner just outside the natural lip line to create a fuller effect. Don’t attempt to draw on a larger lip.
  4. Neutral or light colored lipsticks and glosses create a fuller effect than very dark colors. The darker shades tend to exacerbate the appearance of thin lips and any lipstick bleeding will be more noticeable.
  5. Abstain from smoking to help prevent further damage.
  6. Apply collagen boosting ingredients including Vitamin A derivatives (like retinol) and/or peptides to help fight against aging that may lead to thinning lips. A product like Neostrata Lip Enhancer not only contains retinol and peptides, but also niacin, a plumping agent.
  7. Lip plumpers contain mild irritants like niacin or cinnamon leaf oil which cause the lips to sell slightly creating a fuller effect. The effects are temporary and harmless, but can be drying and irritating if overused. Exercise caution.

Lastly, if your lips truly make you unhappy, you may want to consult with a dermatologist. Topical products will only get you so far and there are many cosmetic surgical options to consider if you wish to go that route. Always work with a qualified and experienced professional.

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