Beyond Wrinkles: Why Fighting Them Isn’t Enough

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When we think of aging skin, we fixate on our facial wrinkles and wonder how we may be able to instantly zap them away. And while wrinkles tend to be the most obvious sign of aging skin (at least in Western Caucasian skin types), there are other factors at play as well.

In some individuals, wrinkles and fine lines are the only visible signs of aging. Yet your face may also display saggy skin, a loss or redistribution of facial fat (think under eye puffiness or nasolabial folds), a droopy nose (unfortunately yes), skin discoloration or a change in skin texture. All these changes may contribute to an older appearance.

It’s estimated that unprotected exposure to the sun’s rays is responsible for over 85% of skin aging. For this reason finding and using a good UVA/UVB blocking sunscreen daily, year round, is a must. We have an excellent selection of sunscreens including the highly coveted line of Anthelios sunscreens at our online store. Sun protection can help to prevent (or at least slow down) the development of wrinkles and fine lines, help keep skin free from discolorations like age spots and leave your skin’s texture feeling smooth and not rough.

It’s important to help temper the other effects of aging as well. Include these ingredients in your daily skin care regimen to ensure that you’re battling away more than just the wrinkles:

  • Antioxidants fight free radical damage associated with sun exposure, pollution and smoking. They can effectively boost the protection afforded by your sunscreen. La Roche Posay Derm AOX is a new formulation that packs an effective array of ingredients including Vitamin C and pycnogenol.
  • Cell communicating agents help skin cells to function like normal healthy ones. Ingredients including retinol, peptides and niacin fall under this category. Green Cream contains retinol, which is supported by significant clinical evidence regarding its efficacy.
  • Exfoliants help to eliminate dead, dry skin cells that can emphasize the appearance of wrinkles and make skin look lacklustre. Shop our full selection here.
  • Moisturizers: although their action is temporary, moisturizers hydrate and plump skin, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. If skin is dry, moisturize as often as is necessary.

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