Infomercials have a certain appeal and I was taken with one I recently saw while at the gym – the Neckline Slimmer.
Claiming to reverse the effects of aging without cosmetic surgery, the Neckline Slimmer is a device “Developed by world-renowned physiotherapist Paul Younane (never heard of him, have you?)…”. This system claims to tighten the muscles that keep your face and neck looking young and beautiful. Advertised as an amazing toning system for the neck, chin and face, the Neckline Slimmer claims to deliver the following benefits:
- No more loose, hanging skin
- No Double-Chin or Neck Folds
- No Pain
- No Expensive Surgery
Dramatic results are guaranteed – in just 2 minutes a day.
You can buy the Neckline Slimmer over the phone or from the website, but does it deliver?
What Causes A Double Chin?
First of all it’s important to note that a double chin may be caused by one of 3 things:
- Excess fat, which can accumulate in the jaw area
- Aging, which can result in loose, hanging skin due to decline in or damage to collagen and elastin, which form part of the skin’s supporting network
- An inherited tendency towards a double chin.
If you have a double chin and are overweight, then losing weight is your best bet in helping to eliminate or reduce the double chin. If your double chin is a result of aging, then it’s most likely caused by saggy skin, which would most likely benefit from plastic surgery. It’s unlikely that the exercises performed with the Neckline Slimmer will help to alleviate a saggy skin condition or a double chin caused by excessive weight.
On the other hand, if you have a genetic predisposition towards a double chin, losing weight may not deliver any noticeable results. Surgery, and possibly some of the exercises suggested with the Neckline Slimmer may work for you. Of course, many websites reviewing this device claim that using an apple or orange will work just as well. Keep in mind that the internet is full of customer complaints against the charges levied by the company that distributes the Neckline Slimmer device. Raiding the fruit bowl or saving up for surgery may just be your best bet.
I have thread veins on my neck which has been aggravated by sun exposure when i was using bleaching creams. Because it is ony neck it is quite visibile and darker to the rest of my skin colour as i am naturally a fair skinned African lady. Please can you suggest what i can use to reduce the thread veins or make them less visible and to lighten it as they are qute dark to the rest of my colour.
Hi Eunice
It sounds like a bleaching cream wasn’t the best choice for you – it may have been the active ingredient in the bleaching cream that you were sensitive to.
Depending on the ingredient chosen you may want to consider a botanical (plant) based skin lightening product such as Neostrata Spot Lightener, Reversa Anti Spot Care.
You may also want to consider a product containing topical Vitamin C, which has been shown in clinical studies to help lighten and brighten skin when used at concentrations above 5%.
Given your past experience, it may also be wise to check with your physician prior to using any new product on the area.