White Tea For Skin

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Like green tea, research has shown that white tea has anti-aging potential due to its high levels of antioxidants that could prevent cancer and heart disease.

White tea is made from leaves that are nearly raw and processed minimally. Because of this, it probably retains most health benefits of all types of tea. It is called ‘white’ because when brewed, the result is a liquid that ranges from pale white to a light brown color. Although all  tea comes from the same plant, the more processed a tea is, the darker the color of its brew. And, the less health benefits it tends to have.

White tea is thought to deliver its anti aging skin benefits by inhibiting enzymes that break down elastin and collagen, two proteins that form part of the skin’s structural network.  The destruction of these components can lead to wrinkles. On a health related note, the same enzymes have been associated with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

More research is needed, but expect to see white tea increasingly in innovative anti aging skin care products.

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