What’s With Low Fat?

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I distinctly remember living through the low fat craze in the early 1990s. Promoted as a way to lose weight and become healthier, you could find low fat everything in your supermarket. I remember giving up butter, switching to skim milk and cooking without oil. Single at the time, I rarely cooked or ate at home. This, combined with being in sales, meant that I was frequently dining out. So much for low fat… 

When it comes to health, fat is important. Essential fatty acids (of EFAs, which our bodies can’t produce) are necessary (that’s why they’re essential…) for a number of functions including:

  • Keeping our nervous system happy
  • Calming inflammation (including that of the skin)
  • Heart health

Beyond this, EFAs are necessary for many other complex interactions in the body. And they help make your skin look great too. Fish, nuts and seeds are great sources of EFAs.

Other fats, including cholesterol, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids, can be produced by our bodies. And while they are often implicated in heart disease, they do serve a number of important functions. Cholesterol, for example, is a precursor to hormone production. While these types of fats should be consumed in moderation, they shouldn’t necessarily be excluded from your diet.

Given the good that fats can do I find it surprising that many individuals still choose to shun fat. News in the media often contributes to this. Yet, a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that an increased intake of saturated fat WAS NOT associated with an increased risk of Coronary Heart Disease, stroke, or cardiovascular disease. Another study in the same journal suggested that refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, etc) may be more of a culprit when it comes to heart disease.

Keep in mind that studies are not definitive in any way. As with most things in life, moderation is the key to being healthy and happy. Strive for a well balanced diet filled with colorful fruits and vegetables, lean protein and essential fats. And remember that not all fats are bad.

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